After trying Mindvalley for 2 years, here’s my list of the best Mindvalley courses to take in 2025. From relationship to career and to mindful courses, my list will help you choose the right course as per your needs.

so, let’s get into the details below!

Best Mindvalley Courses Of 2025 – Editor Picks

Mindvalley is a self-healing platform offering quality masterclasses on topics such as Mind, Body, Relationships, Soul, Career, Parenting, and so on. 

Some of the best courses per the categories are as follows:

  • Mind: Super Brain, Speed Reading, and the Six-Phase Meditation
  • Body: Beyond Fasting, Breathwork for Life, and 10X
  • Soul: Duality and Silva Ultramind
  • Relationships: Conscious Uncoupling
  • Career: Lisa Nichols Speak & Inspire, Lifebook Online, and Be Extraordinary

Each course has a set of quests, which are broken down on a weekly basis. Each quest is divided into smaller chunks to help you grasp the information well. 

Along with these quests, Vishen Lakhiani, the creator of Mindvalley, also offers additional resources, be it PDF documents, live lessons, or even some mediations. 

Before analyzing the best Mindvalley courses in-depth, read my honest opinion on Mindvalley.

Top Mindvalley Courses To Try In 2025

Whether you want to work for personal growth, deal with anxiety and stress, improve focus and memory, or work on yourself, you should check out the ultimate list of Mindvalley quests. 

1. Duality By Jeffery Allen 

Often, you feel clueless about the events in your life and wonder if you can solve these issues. Jeffery Allen has created Duality precisely for that purpose. Duality is an energy-healing quest. 

According to Jeffery, we face numerous obstacles in life due to energy blocks. If we familiarize ourselves with the energy chakras and know the means to clean blockages and activate them at our command, we can lead a happier, healthier, and fuller life. 

Duality Jeffrey Allen-Mindvalley

Duality is divided into several stages, and each stage familiarizes us with our inner power, strengths, and energies. By the end of this program, you’ll be able to activate your energy chakras at your command, understand problems, and find sustainable solutions to them. 

InstructorJeffery Allen 
Duration8 Weeks 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Understanding the chakra healing system 
  • Using our energy system in our favor 
  • Heal and clear energy blocks 

2. Superbrain & Super Reading By Jim Kwik 

Superbrain and Super Reading are two separate courses, but Jim Kwik created them, and the purpose of both courses is somewhat the same; hence, I mentioned both together. Both of these courses break the typical idea of reading and memorizing. Instead, Jim Kwik, the famous brain coach, teaches the concept of neurostimulation to utilize the maximum capacity of our brain. 

He deconstructs fixation and saccade: two stages of our brain processing information. And talks about how to use our brain to process maximum information in less time. Superbrain also stresses similar concepts to utilize our minds’ fullest potential and become extraordinary in our roles. 

Superbrain by Jim Kwik

Superbrain & Super Reading are the best quests for students, business owners, academic professionals, or anyone who wants to work on their memory and reading powers. 

InstructorJim Kwik 
DurationSuper Reading (21 Days)
Superbrain (30 Days) 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Understanding fixation and saccade 
  • Steer clear of conventional learning method
  • Understanding neurostimulation 

3. Be Extraordinary by Vishen Lakhiani 

On rare occasions, you get the opportunity to learn from the creator of a platform as famous as Mindvalley. Be Extraordinary is one of those quests that gives you this chance. In Be Extraordinary, Vishen Lakhiani teaches you how to rise above your mental barriers and limited perspective of life. 

He unveils techniques to shape our minds in the right direction to set bigger goals, create a stronger mindset, achieve our biggest dreams, and rise above and beyond our fears, anxiety, and limitations. Moreover, the course teaches us how to handle defeat positively and learn from our mistakes. 

be extraordinary by vishen lakhiani

It’s a must-try course for anyone who wants to live an extraordinary life. 

InstructorVishen Lakhiani 
Duration30 Days 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Growing beyond mental barriers. 
  • Shaping the mind in a progressive direction 
  • A comprehensive approach to self-growth 

4. Wildfit By Eric Edmeades 

If starting and failing in your fitness journey sounds similar to you, Wildfit by Eric Edmeades is the best Mindvalley program for you. But to make it clear, Wildfit isn’t a fitness program. Instead, it focuses on changing your food psychology. 

Compared to other Mindvalley quests, Wildfit is a long quest of 90 days. But these 90 days change your relationship with food by making you understand different types of hunger and your relationship with food. 

You will get familiar with why you make certain food choices and how they negatively affect your body. In the journey, you’ll consciously start making healthier food choices and lose weight in the process. 

Wildfit by eric edmeades

A majority of Wildfit users have seen positive results and lost weight during the journey. 

InstructorEric Edmeades 
Duration90 Days 

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the human relationship with food 
  • Learning about six types of hunger 
  • Gradual diversion to making conscious food choices 

5. The Uncompromised Life By Marisa Peer 

Our minds naturally delineate more toward negative thinking, which also affects our life decisions. In Uncompromised Life, Marisa Peer instructs how to develop positive thinking and a growth mindset. 

The quest aims to reprogram your mind and to think patterns so that your habits work in your favor and not against you. Marisa Peer teaches us not to make things overly complicated but instead to work on our strengths. Her quest is based on transformational hypnotherapy, which has proven benefits in training our brain to bring it to its peak performance. 

Uncompromised Life By Marisa Peer-Mindvalley

The uncompromised life is suitable for people who want to form a deeper understanding of how to develop a positive mindset and utilize their inner powers to the maximum. 

InstructorMarisa Peer 
Duration8 Weeks 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Break ties with negative thinking
  • Use of transformational hypnotherapy 
  • Using the mind to the fullest potential 

6. Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy For Abundance Marisa Peer 

Marisa Peer has outdone herself when it comes to creating wellness and self-development programs, and hence, I could not help but add her to another program on the best Mindvalley course list. Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance teaches us to program our subconscious mind by combining hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic conditioning, and hypnosis. 

The simple logic behind the program is that “what you manifest (believe) is what you receive). The quest helps you leave aside the negativity and brew a positive mindset to lead a healthier, wealthier, and more fulfilling life. 

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance by Marisa Peer

This quest is also beneficial for anyone hoping to shape their lives in the right direction. 

InstructorMarisa Peer 
Duration35 Days 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Combination of hypnotherapy, hypnosis, and neuro-linguistic conditioning 
  • Strong focus on manifestation powers 
  • Getting full control of our mind 

7. Lifebook Online By John & Missy Butcher 

John and Missy Butcher, the artist entrepreneurs, train us to create the LifeBook of our dreams. The quest covers almost every possible area of an individual’s life, such as health & fitness, intellectual, emotional, spiritual life, love & relationships, and parenting. 

Life book online

There are different sections for each of these stages, and the instructors ask us to fill them based on our premise, vision, purpose, and strategy wherever applicable. The ultimate goal of Lifebook Online is to develop a progressive mindset that outgrows societal limitations. 

If you want to form entrepreneurial skills and work on yourself and your relationships, Lifebook Online is the best guiding light. The only drawback of the program is that not all the lessons seem applicable to everyone’s life. Other than that, this is another must-try program by Mindvalley. 

InstructorJohn & Missy Butcher 
Duration6 Weeks 

Key Takeaways: 

  • Revolves around the 12 primary aspects of life. 
  • Stresses on PVPS (premise, vision, purpose, strategy) to manifest life.
  • Growing beyond typical boundaries. 

8. The Mastery Of Sleep

The Mastery Of Sleep is taught by Dr. Michael Breus, a renowned sleep expert and author of three best-selling books on sleep. Breus aims to help people to get deep sleep for better physical and mental health.

In this course, you will learn the science of deep sleep according to your chronotype rhythm. Moreover, Breus also addresses the 8-hour sleep myth and how to wake up without an alarm.

The Mastery of Sleep by Michael Breus overview

If you are someone who is suffering from insomnia and other sleeping disorders like snoring, sleepwalking, etc, then this course is definitely for you.

InstructorDr. Michael Breus
Duration28 days

Key Takeaways:

  • Sleep as a foundation for better health
  • Triggering sleep with circadian(chronotype) rhythm
  • Identifying ideal sleep time

9. Beyond Fasting

Are you fed up with trying various diet plans? Beyond Fasting has transformed the traditional fasting method to the next level. This course is taught by Ronan Oliveria, who is Mindvalley’s in-house fitness and health expert and co-founder of 10X Fitness. 

With this course, you will learn the intermittent fasting process. Beyond Fasting guides you with the best knowledge of dietary habits so that you fast the right way and profound your inner and physical transformation. 

Beyond Fasting by Ronan Oliveria- overview

This program is for you if you want to improve your health and reshape your body.

InstructorRonan Oliveria
Duration28 days

Key Takeaways:

  • Manage your hunger, cravings, and wellness growth
  • Unveiling the fasting myths
  • Creating your food framework according to your body

10. 10x Fitness by Lorenzo Delano

Irrespective of your body shape, you start your fitness journey after taking the 12-week 10X Fitness Course. It not only helps you enhance how you look physically but also helps you understand what you should eat and what you should not eat.

Once you dedicatedly follow the routine, trust me, you will see your body transform within two weeks. However, if you’re looking for easy and fast results, this course isn’t for you.

Keep in mind to take this course, you need a few gym appliances. So, if you already have a gym subscription, well and good. Otherwise, be sure to have certain equipment at home before purchasing this course.

10x Fitness By Lorenzo Delano
InstructorLorenzo Delano
Course Duration12 Weeks

Key Takeaways:

  • Needs gym appliances
  • Learns how to ease muscle soreness
  • Build strength through exercises such as pull-ups, push-ups, hinges, tricep curls, lunges, presses, etc.

11. Speak & Inspire by Lisa Nichols

Do you ever struggle with public speaking, low self-confidence, and overall charming people? Lisa Nichols’ five-week course helps you tackle these issues. 

So, if you want to establish meaningful connections and develop good communication skills irrespective of who you’re talking to, this course is perfect for you!

InstructorLisa Nichols
Course Duration5 Weeks
Speak & Inspire by Lisa Nichols

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn heart-to-heart story-telling
  • Makes you camera-friendly
  • Enhances your positive body language

12. Conscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas

Most of us know the pain of separation, be it with our partners, parents, or even friends. What Katherina Woodward Thomas does is help you through the recovery process. 

Not only does she help you confront the mistakes that have happened, but she also helps you through the traumatic journey. Finally, you learn to accept whatever has happened and, thus, move forward. 

InstructorKatherine Woodward Thomas
Course Duration5 Weeks
Conscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the conflicts or why it has happened
  • Walk through the trauma and help you heal

13. The Power of Boldness by Naveen Jain

Most of us feel too held back by our own self-limiting beliefs or even by people around us who constantly make us feel that we are delusional. Well, don’t you know, being delulu is only solulu?

And that’s what Naveen Jain lets you know. The creator of Moonshot teaches you self-reflection and how to dive deeper into your consciousness. Apart from that, you get a guided formula for removing distractions. 

Plus, you can even launch your moonshot by understanding the visionary mindset.

InstructorNaveen Jain
Course Duration2 Weeks
The Power of Boldness by Naveen Jain

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn to self-reflect 
  • Procedure to launch your moonshot
  • Take a deeper look into your consciousness, visionary mindset, and beliefs

14. The Silva Ultramind System – José Silva, Vishen Lakhiani

Anyone who truffles with living in a cloudy state of mind, with no sense of grounding, and overall struggles to reach your brain’s fullest potential needs to take Jose Silva’s curated Silva Ultramind. 

After the creator passed away, Vishen Lakhiani brought back the course on Mindvalley. 

The masterclass helps you with some practical centering exercises to solve complex problems. Apart from that, you reach your highest self-awareness by reaching the alpha state of mind.

All of this protects you from energetic attacks that restrict you from reaching your highest potential or prevent good opportunities from coming towards you.

InstructorVishen Lakhiani
Course Duration4 Weeks
The Silva Ultramind System – José Silva, Vishen Lakhiani

Key Takeaways:

  • Builds a protective shield to avoid negative energetic attacks
  • Enhances your brain to reach the Alpha state of mind
  • Learn grounding exercises that are easy to implement in day-to-day lives

15. The Quest For Personal Mastery by Dr. Sri Kumar Rao

Another break-free course from your mental barriers that primarily discusses resilience, peace, and the art of self-mastery. With this 7-week course, Dr. Sri Kumar helps you understand the functioning of your brain. 

Not only that, but you understand why you’re the way you are, how to be genuinely happy, and lastly, the meaning and importance of inner peace.

InstructorDr. Sri Kumar Rao
Course Duration7 Weeks
The Quest For Personal Mastery by Dr. Sri Kumar Rao

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand your brain’s working
  • Get the key to true happiness
  • Why inner peace is so essential

Mindvalley Membership Cost & Pricing

Most courses on this list can be accessed by purchasing the Mindvalley Membership. 

Now, you can opt for a daily subscription, the individual one, or the annual All-access pass. I would suggest the yearly subscription, which would be much cheaper than daily and monthly subscriptions. You can check out the subscription plans below:-

mindvalley pricing plan -Mindvalley Courses
Subscription PlanPrice 
Monthly Membership$99
Annual Membership$499
Annual Membership Per Month$41.6

You can get a taste of Mindvalley’s transformative courses with its 7 day free trial.

If you purchase Mindvalley’s Monthly/Annual Membership, then you will get the following benefits:-

  • Over 100+ courses that you can access
  • You get access to over 1000+ therapeutic and meditation sounds
  • Connect with a large group of people and share your wisdom on the private social media website
  • Through exclusive meetups and communities, you can build good connections

Bonus: You can get up to 60% discount on Mindvalley’s annual plan.

Mindvalley Free Courses: Are They Available?

Mindvalley does not offer free courses, but it does provide free masterclasses that you can take. The recent one is Vishen Lakhiani’s “3 Keys to Transformative Learning.” You can learn tools and techniques in an hour by Vishen that helps you become a better version of yourself.

Similar to this, you can grab different masterclasses offered by Mindvalley for free. In order to find out about recent masterclasses, you can stay tuned on their social media channels.

How to Choose a Mindvalley Course?

With so many transformational courses on Mindvalley, picking the right one can feel overwhelming. But don’t worry—I’ve got you covered! Here’s a simple way to find the perfect course for you.

1. Identify Your Goal

What’s the one thing you want to improve? Is it productivity, relationships, personal growth, or maybe your health? Mindvalley offers courses across multiple categories, so getting clear on your goal will narrow down your options fast.

2. Check the Course Duration

Some courses are just a few weeks long, while others require a longer commitment. If you’re short on time, look for a course that fits your schedule.

3. Read Reviews & Testimonials

Mindvalley has a strong community of learners. Check out reviews and success stories to see if a course has helped others with similar goals.

4. Consider the Instructor

Mindvalley courses are taught by industry leaders and experts. If a specific teacher’s approach resonates with you, their course might be the right fit.

5. Try the Free Masterclasses

Still unsure? Mindvalley offers free masterclasses for most courses. These give you a taste of the course content and the instructor’s teaching style.

6. Look for Membership Benefits

If you’re planning to take multiple courses, a Mindvalley Membership might be a better deal than purchasing individual courses.

7. Trust Your Instincts

Sometimes, the best way to decide is to go with what excites you the most. If a course keeps grabbing your attention, it’s probably the right one for you!

No matter which course you choose, Mindvalley is all about growth, so enjoy the journey! 

The Final Verdict: Duality is My #1 Pick For Best Mindvalley Course

Although most of the list I have mentioned above helps you be better in some way or another, it must be difficult to choose ONE course to go ahead with. This is why I have to make your choosing process more straightforward. I have top three recommendations for you:-

  1. Duality by Jeffery Allen: Best for energy healing as the platform removes obstacles by balancing your seven chakras.
  2. Super Brain and Super Reading by Jim Kwik: Best for quickly enhancing your memory and concentration and faster absorbing information in a short period.
  3. Be Extraordinary by Vishen Lakhiani: It is best to overcome your mental barrier and limit your inner voice.

Tip: Mindvalley’s Black Friday offers are here; take advantage of reduced prices to elevate your mind, body, and spirit.

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FAQ- Mindvalley Courses

Which Mindvalley course is best for Fitness?

Wildfit is the best Mindvalley course in the body and fitness category.

What all things are included in Mindvalley Membership?

Live sessions, access to private social networks and Mindvalley meditation, and newly introduced entrepreneurship classes. These are the few things that are included in the Mindvalley Membership.

Which courses are the best Mindvalley courses for positive thinking?

Everyday Bliss and Total Self Confidence by Paul Mckenna and Be Extraordinary by Vishen are the best Mindvalley Courses for positive thinking.

Name the best courses on Mindvalley to calm and peace the soul.

Life Visioning Mastery by Michael Beckwith and Chakra Healing by Anodea Judith are the best course to calm your soul.

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