Clay Holderman serves as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Presbyterian Healthcare Services. Joining in 2008, Mr. Holderman has served in leadership opening Presbyterian Rust Medical Center, as the Administrator of Presbyterian Hospital, and in multiple executive operations roles supporting Presbyterian’s hospitals, medical group, ambulance service and system services. Together with the president of Presbyterian Health Plan, he co-chairs the Presbyterian Integrated Leadership Team overseeing payer-provider collaboration at Presbyterian.
Throughout his career, he has been active in his community, serving in Chambers of Commerce, Rotary, United Way, Quality New Mexico, American Hospital Association, New Mexico Children’s Youth and Families Department, Health Management Academy, Make-A-Wish New Mexico Board, Relay for Life, Maranatha Children’s Home in Haiti, and other civic and religious organizations.
He completed a Fellowship in Health System Leadership from Health Management Academy GE Fellows Program. He earned a Master of Business Administration from Colorado State University and an undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University. He entered healthcare as a physician recruiter and has more than twenty years experience in investor-owned and not-for-profit healthcare leadership.