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Tips and Resources for Businesses and the Community

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We all have a role to play. On this page, you can find resources that can show you how you can help.

For Business: 

Chronic absence is a problem we can solve, especially if business leaders work with schools, parents and communities to improve student attendance. Read How Attendance Matters to Businesses.

Business leaders should get involved for the following reasons:

  • The workforce challenge: Absenteeism contributes to high school dropout rates, leaving students without the academic credentials and skills needed to compete in a 21st century workforce.
  • The soft skills challenge: Regular attendance is the precursor to the “soft skills” businesses will continue to expect and require. Students who don’t develop the habits associated with good attendance in the early years will find it difficult to develop them as adults.
  • The productivity challenge: Children who are sick miss school. And their parents miss work.

For Community

  • Chronic absenteeism is a critical national problem that puts more than 6.5 million schoolchildren at risk for falling behind academically, dropping out of school and serious long-term health, employment and financial consequences. There is a growing movement among schools, states and the federal government to address the underlying causes of chronic absenteeism. This policy brief takes a close look at the reasons behind chronic absenteeism, its adverse impact on health and life outcomes, and potential solutions. Read The relationship between school attendance and health


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