Jul 17, 2021
More than 100 of Mission: Graduate's partners convened at the semi-annual All-Partner Meeting in July to get insight on the progress our community is making toward the goal of Mission: Graduate and to discuss ways in which partners can more systematically align their work toward that goal.
All-partner meetings, now held semi-annually, have dual purposes. The meetings held early in the year are forward-looking and provide an opportunity for ideas-sharing, updates, and recognition, while the mid-year meetings provide a forum for strategic discussions.
At the July meeting, participants were among the first to receive Mission: Graduate’s fourth Annual Data Report, Fired Up. They then listened in on a deep-dive presentation on the data that informs Mission: Graduate’s work.
At table discussions, individual partners discussed the aligned work that their organizations are undergoing, filled out action commitment forms, and provided feedback that will be shared with our Mission: Graduate project teams at a later date.
For the first time in this type of meeting, partners listened to a panel discussion facilitated by Executive Director Angelo Gonzales in which Vision Council members discussed steps that they are taking within their own institutions to contribute to Mission: Graduate's goal.
Other Vision Council panelists were Albuquerque Public Schools Superintendent Raquel Reedy, Fidelity Investments Vice President of Public Affairs Leean Kravitz, and Bernalillo County Commissioner Maggie Hart Stebbins.
The next All-Partner Meeting will be held early in 2018.