Jul 12, 2021

Text the word PLAY to 274448
The Early Childhood Accountability Partnership (ECAP), an initiative of the United Way of Central New Mexico, has teamed up with Bright by Text to bring the program to New Mexico. The program, already offered in Colorado, New York, California, and other communities around the nation, offers parents and caregivers expert tips and resources for children, prenatal to age 5, right at their fingertips.
“In the early years, a child’s brain is developing at a faster rate than it will at any other point in their life,” explains Tracy McDaniel, ECAP Coordinator with the United Way of Central New Mexico. “The interactions that a child has with adult caregivers at this stage of life set the foundation on which all later learning, behavior, and health depend.”
Bright by Text helps parents and caregivers make the most out of these interactions by providing fun and easy activities, positive parenting tips and resources, tips for aiding a child’s physical development, and much more. The program is proven to build nurturing caregiver-child relationships and to positively impact a child’s healthy development and school readiness.
In addition to expert content, Bright by Text includes messages about events and resources specific to New Mexico, like free museum days, health clinics, and preschool open enrollment periods.
To sign up, parents and caregivers with children under 5 can text the word PLAY to 274448 or click here. They will receive two to five text messages per week, and each message includes a link to a landing page with more detail, short modeling videos, and links to related resources.
Bright by Text is supported by a grant from the Daniels Fund.
Early Childhood Accountability Partnership (ECAP) is a place-based effort to improve outcomes for children and their families, from pregnancy to age eight. Using the guiding principles of collective impact, ECAP convenes partners that are committed to data-driven efforts that address the systems that perpetuate inequitable outcomes for young children and their families. ECAP is one of Mission: Graduate’s Collaborative Action Networks. #ECAPMG
Mission: Graduate, an initiative of the United Way of Central New Mexico, is a cradle-to-career partnership consisting of educators, local employers, educational support providers, government leaders and citizens who are committed to a goal of 60,000 new graduates with college degrees and certificates in central New Mexico by the year 2020. To learn more, visit www.missiongraduatenm.org #60Kby2020 #ECAPMG #MissionGraduate
United Way of Central New Mexico, founded in 1934, serves a four-county region. UWCNM’s mission is to bring people and resources together to measurably improve lives and strengthen our communities. To learn more, visit www.uwcnm.org or call 505-247-36713. #LiveUnited