Letter Of Intent For Graduate School: Sample & Tips

Are you planning on applying to graduate school? If so, you know the many materials needed to submit as part of your application. But have you considered including a letter of intent? 

The Letter of Intent” is a unique document that allows you to share your motivations and goals for pursuing a graduate degree. It is typically a one-page letter (also part of your application) that allows your college committee to hear from you directly and learn about your interests. 

In this article, we’ll explore what a letter of intent is and provide tips for crafting a compelling one that will set you apart from other applicants.

What is a Letter of Intent for Graduate School?

A Letter of Intent for Graduate School, also known as a statement of purpose or a personal statement, is a document that applicants submit to graduate programs to express their interest, qualifications, and goals.

Letter of Intent for Graduate School

It serves as an opportunity for applicants to showcase their motivations and convince the admissions committee that they are suitable candidates for the program. Writing a compelling letter of intent is crucial in the highly competitive process of applying to graduate school.

What is the Purpose of Writing a Letter of Intent for Graduate School

Here are the crucial purposes of writing a letter of intent for graduate school:

  • Declare your goal: A letter of intent serves as a formal cover letter where you declare your goal of applying for admission into a graduate program. It clearly states your intention to pursue further education and highlights your interest in the program.
  • Provide context for your application: The letter of intent provides the necessary context for your application by explaining your academic achievements, research interests, professional skills, and future goals. It helps admissions officers understand your background and how you align with the program.
  • Showcase self-advocacy: The letter of intent serves as proof of your self-advocacy. It allows you to present a compelling argument for your suitability for the program and emphasizes how your achievements and experiences make you a strong candidate.
  • Demonstrate attention to detail: Writing a well-crafted and customized letter of intent demonstrates your attention to detail. It shows that you have conducted thorough research about the program, its curriculum, faculty members, and learning outcomes. Paying attention to formatting, grammar, and clarity also highlights your meticulousness.
  • Display excellent writing skills: Your letter of intent is an opportunity to showcase your writing skills. Admissions officers will evaluate your ability to communicate effectively, express your thoughts clearly, and maintain a professional tone. Clear and concise prose, along with correct formatting, will leave a positive impression.
Display excellent writing skills

Important Steps Before Writing Intent Letter

Before diving into the writing process, it’s essential to take some important steps to prepare yourself for creating a powerful letter of intent. These steps will help you gather the necessary information and provide a solid foundation for your writing:

Important Steps Before Writing Intent Letter

1. Research the Program and Institution: Familiarize yourself with the graduate program you are applying to. Understand its values, curriculum, faculty, and any specific requirements they may have.

2. Understand the Purpose of the Letter: Recognize that the letter of intent serves as a platform for you to demonstrate your passion, qualifications, and commitment to the field of study. It should align with your long-term goals.

3. Gather Information about Yourself: Reflect on your academic background, research experience, relevant skills, and personal accomplishments. Consider how these aspects relate to your intended field of study and your motivations for pursuing it.

4. Identify Your Goals and Objectives: Determine what you hope to achieve through the graduate program. Identify your specific research interests and career aspirations and how the program can help you realize them.

Template for Letter of Intent for Graduate School

While there is no fixed template for a letter of intent, it generally follows a specific structure and includes certain key components. Here is an outline of the common elements you should consider including in your letter:

1. A Header: Include your name, contact information, and the date.

2. Date Stamp: Add the date when you plan to submit the letter.

3. Addressee Information: Address the letter to the appropriate individual or department within the institution.

4. A Brief Greeting: Start your letter with a warm and professional greeting, addressing the recipient by name if possible.

5. Introduction or Opening Paragraph: Begin by stating your purpose and introducing yourself. Express your interest in the program and briefly mention your background and qualifications.

6. 2-3 Content or Main Paragraphs: In these paragraphs, expand on your experiences, achievements, and skills that make you a strong candidate. Discuss your academic journey, relevant coursework, research projects, internships, or any other experience demonstrating your passion and preparation for graduate studies. Highlight how these experiences have shaped your goals and contributed to your readiness for the program.

7. Conclusion or Closing Paragraph: Summarize your main points and reiterate your enthusiasm for the program. Emphasize how the program aligns with your aspirations and how you can contribute to the academic community. End the paragraph with a strong closing statement that leaves a positive impression.

8. Name and/or Signature: Sign off the letter with your full name and, if applicable, your signature. If submitting the letter electronically, you can include a typed version of your name.

9. A Footer (optional): You can include additional information, such as your contact details or a professional website, in the footer section of the letter.

When it comes to formatting your letter of intent, there are some essential guidelines to follow. These tips will ensure that your letter looks professional and is easy to read:

Font and Margins: Use a clear and legible font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri, with a font size between 10 and 12 points. Maintain standard margins of one inch on all sides.

Length and Structure: Keep your letter concise and focused. Aim for one to two pages, but be sure to include all the necessary information. Divide your letter into paragraphs for better readability, and use headings or subheadings to organize your content.

How to Write a Letter of Intent for Graduate School with Proper Formatting

After considering the template and format of the intent letter, here’s how you can write properly:

Letter of Intent for Graduate School Template

[Your Name]

[Your Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

[Your Email]


[Graduate Program Name] [

University Name]

[University Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear Admissions Committee,

Opening Paragraph

[Express your interest in the program and briefly state why you’re applying. Mention the specific degree and any concentration you’re pursuing.]

Academic and Professional Background

[Discuss your relevant academic background, including your undergraduate degree, major, and any significant coursework or projects. Highlight any relevant work experience or internships.]

Research Interests and Goals

[Explain your research interests and how they align with the program. Mention any specific faculty members whose work interests you, if applicable.]

Why This Program

[Explain why you’ve chosen this specific program and institution. Highlight unique aspects of the program that appeal to you.]

Your Potential Contributions

[Discuss what you can bring to the program, including any unique perspectives or experiences.]

Career Goals

[Briefly outline your long-term career goals and how this graduate program will help you achieve them.]


[Summarize your main points and restate your enthusiasm for the program. Thank the committee for their consideration.]


[Your Signature (for hard copy)]

[Your Name (typed)]

Qualities of a Good Letter of Intent for Graduate School

A strong Letter of Intent can greatly boost your graduate school application. Here are the key qualities to aim for:

  1. Clear and focused: Your letter should clearly state your goals and reasons for applying.
  2. Specific to the program: Show that you’ve researched the program and explain why it’s a good fit for you.
  3. Highlight your strengths: Talk about your achievements and skills that make you a great candidate.
  4. Well-organized: Use a logical structure that’s easy to follow.
  5. Professional tone: Write in a formal, respectful manner.
  6. Error-free: Check carefully for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  7. Concise: Stay within the word limit, usually 1-2 pages.
  8. Honest: Be truthful about your experiences and goals.
  9. Forward-looking: Explain how this program fits into your future plans.
  10. Engaging: Start strong to grab the reader’s attention.

Here’s a table summarizing these qualities for quick reference:

ClearStates goals and reasons clearly
SpecificShows research into the program
Highlights strengthsMentions key achievements and skills
Well-organizedHas a logical, easy-to-follow structure
ProfessionalUses formal, respectful language
Error-freeNo spelling or grammar mistakes
ConciseStays within 1-2 pages
HonestTruthful about experiences and goals
Forward-lookingExplains future plans
EngagingStarts with a strong opening

Remember, a good Letter of Intent shows who you are, why you’re a great fit for the program, and how the program will help you achieve your goals.

Tips to Consider Before You Submit Your Letter

Before submitting your letter of intent, here are some important tips to consider:

1. Proofread and Edit: Ensure that your letter is free of spelling and grammar errors. Proofread it multiple times and consider seeking help from friends, mentors, or professional editors to ensure clarity and coherence.

2. Seek Feedback: Share your letter with trusted individuals who can provide constructive feedback. They can help you identify areas for improvement and offer suggestions to strengthen your letter.

3. Tailor the Letter to Each Institution: Customize your letter for each program and institution you apply to. Highlight specific aspects of the program that align with your interests and goals. Show that you have researched and understand why that particular program is the right fit for you.

4. Be Concise and Clear: Keep your letter focused and avoid unnecessary details. Use clear and concise language to convey your message effectively. Admissions committees review numerous applications, so making your letter easy to read and understand is important.

5. Personalize Your Letter: Inject your personality into the letter by sharing personal anecdotes or experiences that have shaped your passion for your chosen field. This will help create a connection between you and the reader.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in Your Letter of Intent

Even the most qualified candidates can stumble when writing their Letter of Intent. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

PitfallWhy It’s a ProblemHow to Avoid It
Being too generalFails to set you apartUse specific examples and details
Telling, not showingLess engaging and convincingIllustrate your qualities with stories
Focusing too much on pastDoesn’t show future potentialConnect past experiences to future goals
Ignoring program focusShows lack of researchExplain how the program fits your interests
Casual toneAppears unprofessionalUse formal language
Exceeding word limitShows poor communication skillsEdit ruthlessly, stick to guidelines
Not proofreadingSuggests carelessnessReview multiple times, use spelling/grammar tools
Copy-pastingAppears insincereCustomize each letter
Including irrelevant infoWastes reader’s timeFocus on relevant experiences and goals
Not explaining fitLeaves work to the readerClearly state why you and the program are a match

Related read;

Conclusion: Writing A Letter Of Intent For Graduate School

Writing a compelling letter of intent for graduate school requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a strong and persuasive letter that showcases your qualifications and motivations. Remember to tailor your letter to each institution, maintain proper formatting, and seek feedback to ensure a polished final draft.

By putting effort into crafting a well-written letter, you can significantly increase your chances of standing out among other applicants and securing a place in your desired graduate program.

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